I really enjoy these filters, they make my morning coffee routine so much neater!
It’s also much easier to clean my French press when I’m in a hurry: I can dump the entire filter in the garbage right after I pour my coffee, instead of having to wait for the grinds to cool before I can remove them.
Anna, New Jersey
I am so happy to have discovered the Caffi filter for a plunger (French Press) coffee maker. It is so easy to use and had solved the problem I had emptying the coffee grounds and clogging up my garbage disposal.
Thank you very much Jakob! Yes, that answered my questions. I used the filter this morning and it was great. My coffee tasted wonderful and it took away the bitterness and sediment.
Have a wonderful day.
I love your filters and always promote where/when I can 😍♥️ thank you again!!
Su Sheen
“I just wanted to let you know that I managed to pick up some of your coffee filters when I was in Aalborg. I have been using them at home in the UK and several friends have been very interested in them. Indeed, I have given most of mine away for friends to try!”
– xxx
“Thank you for your filters! They are the perfect addition to my morning coffee ritual and my evening tea ceremony .”
– Wil J.